skin mod

how to use
  1. open skin editor
  2. draw something*
  3. exit without saving
  4. refresh
  5. run script using JavaScript console
  6. in new window/tab select something*
  7. select custom 512x512 image
  8. click
  9. when new window/tab alerts "Done!" check
all something* are same

script 1 (function () {
2 'use strict';
4 function genString() {
5 'use strict';
6 var chars = 'QWERTYUIOPP{}ASDFGHJKL:"|ZXCVBNM?qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./`1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+';
7 for (var cl = chars.length, s = '', i = 50; i > 0; i--) s += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * cl));
8 return s;
9 }
11 var rKey = genString(), sKey = genString();
12 var lock0 = true, lock1 = true;
14 function rcv(msg) {
15 'use strict';
16 if ((msg.source === win) && ([1] === rKey)) {
17 if (([0] === 'agarioskinmod:ready') && lock0) {
18 lock0 = false;
19 URL.revokeObjectURL(bstr);
20 win.postMessage(['agarioskinmod:string', sKey, localStorage.getItem('storeUsersObject')], '*');
21 } else if (([0] === 'agarioskinmod:rstring') && (!lock0) && lock1) {
22 lock1 = false;
23 localStorage.setItem('storeUsersObject',[2]);
24 window.removeEventListener('message', rcv);
25 location.reload(true);
26 } else if (([0] === 'agarioskinmod:exit') && lock1) {
27 lock1 = false;
28 window.removeEventListener('message', rcv);
29 location.reload(true);
30 }
32 }
33 }
35 window.addEventListener('message', rcv, false);
36 var bstr = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
37 <!DOCTYPE html
38 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
39 "">
40 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
41 <head>
42 <title>agarioskinmod</title>
43 </head>
44 <body>
45 <h3>Replace</h3>
46 <table border="1">
47 <thead>
48 <tr>
49 <td><b>X</b></td>
50 <td><b>image</b></td>
51 </tr>
52 </thead>
53 <tbody id="tbdy">
54 <tr>
55 <td colspan="2"><i id="smsg">wait...</i></td>
56 </tr>
57 </tbody>
58 </table>
59 <h3>with <input type="file" id="fle" accept="image/*"/><i>(512x512 image)</i></h3>
60 <input type="button" value="Do it!" id="doit"/>
61 <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
62 (function () {
63 'use strict';
64 var lock0 = true;
65 var sKey = '${rKey}', rKey = '${sKey}';
66 window.onmessage = function (msg) {
67 'use strict';
68 if ((msg.origin === '') && (msg.source === window.opener) && ([0] === 'agarioskinmod:string') && ([1] === rKey) && lock0) {
69 lock0 = false;
70 var rgarr =[2].split(/(data:image\\/[a-zA-Z_\\-+\\.]+;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]+={0,2})/);
71 var tbdy = document.getElementById('tbdy');
72 var temp2 = rgarr.length;
73 if (temp2 > 2) {
74 for (var temp1 = 1, temp3, temp4, temp5; temp1 < temp2; temp1 += 2) {
75 temp5 = document.createElement('input');
76 = 'simg';
77 temp5.value = temp1;
78 temp5.type = 'radio';
79 temp5.checked = false;
80 temp4 = document.createElement('td');
81 temp4.appendChild(temp5);
82 temp3 = document.createElement('tr');
83 temp3.appendChild(temp4);
84 temp5 = document.createElement('img');
85 temp5.alt = 'failed to display image';
86 temp5.src = rgarr[temp1];
87 temp4 = document.createElement('td');
88 temp4.appendChild(temp5);
89 temp3.appendChild(temp4);
90 tbdy.appendChild(temp3);
91 }
92 tbdy.querySelector('input[name=simg]').checked = true;
93 tbdy.removeChild(tbdy.children[0]);
94 var lock1 = true;
95 document.getElementById('doit').onclick = function () {
96 'use strict';
97 if (lock1) {
98 var fl = document.getElementById('fle').files[0];
99 if (typeof fl === 'undefined') alert('no file selected'); else {
100 lock1 = false;
101 var fr = new FileReader();
102 fr.onload = function () {
103 'use strict';
104 rgarr[tbdy.querySelector('input[name=simg]:checked').value] = fr.result;
105 window.opener.postMessage(['agarioskinmod:rstring', sKey, rgarr.join('')], '');
106 alert('Done!');
107 };
108 fr.onerror = function () {
109 'use strict';
110 alert('file read error');
111 lock1 = true;
112 };
113 fr.readAsDataURL(fl);
114 }
115 }
116 };
117 } else document.getElementById("smsg").innerHTML = '<font color="red">no images found</font>';
118 }
119 };
120 document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].onunload = function () {
121 'use strict';
122 window.opener.postMessage(['agarioskinmod:exit', sKey], '');
123 };
124 setTimeout(function () {
125 'use strict';
126 window.opener.postMessage(['agarioskinmod:ready', sKey], '');
127 }, 100);
128 })();
129 ]]></script>
130 </body>
131 </html>`], {'type': 'application/xhtml+xml'}));
132 var win =;
133 })();

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